About Darwin Global

Darwin Global, LLC was launched in 2012 to house three growing organizations Smart Horizons, Smart Horizons Career Online Education, and NexPort Solutions.

Smart Horizons is an online education provider and software development company that is changing the face of online learning, employee performance evaluations, and dispatch emergency response on a global level. Smart Horizon’s serves organizations and individual learners around the world by meeting their education, training and workforce competency goals through a secure, proprietary learning management system and software environments. Our cloud-based family of software solutions and education products make it easy for organizations to define and individuals to master desired outcomes.
Smart Horizons has been developing and supporting commercial products since the early 2000s. The software development teams have always worked closely with partners and customers to create cost-effective, customizable solutions that meet their exact needs. As a result, Smart Horizons and NexPort Solutions have generated long-term relationships with partners and affiliates.

Because of the tremendous work done by those in years past, the company is experiencing phenomenal growth. Smart Horizons now serves learners and partners in every state of the union and in dozens of countries around the world. Customers and partners consistently find that the existing training, curriculum development, learning management services and public safety software bring decades of industry expertise that enable the highest levels of professionalism and performance.
Visit Smart Horizon’s website.

Smart Horizons Career Online Education (SHCOE) is the first private, national online school district in the United States. Our core competency is designing, building and managing affordable, career-based online high schools for students around the world.

Founded in 2009 and located in Pensacola, Fla., SHCOE develops career-based high school diploma programs that are designed to prepare students for entrance into the workplace. SHCOE offers career-credentialed certificate programs for the most in demand careers, such as healthcare, early childhood education, transportation services, criminal justice, office management and homeland security.
Students graduate with both a high school diploma and coursework completed toward earning a career-credentialed certificate. In addition, SHCOE’s customized online high school programs provide students with an opportunity to learn at their own pace, as they manage their day-to-day lives.

NexPort Solutions, a division of Darwin Global, LLC., provides innovative, cost-effective online training, education, software solutions and support for federal, state and local governments, as well as the private industry. A few of our partners can be seen on our partners page.

NexPort Solutions offers three flexible, highly integrated, products: NexPort Campus, NexPort Marketplace and NexPort Analytics. NexPort Campus, our flagship, is a learning and knowledge management system that allows partners to deliver online training with little effort. NexPort Marketplace is a best in class, web based, storefront and point of sale system that allows our partners to sell and distribute training and other products online. NexPort Analytics provides our partners with custom reporting and business intelligence capabilities to help them better manage their training requirements and students enrolled in their curriculum. Furthermore, Analytics provides administrators and instructors with the ability to view both the pace of a student’s enrollments and the completion status of a section for individual students.

Together these three products comprise the NexPort Learning Platform. The NexPort Learning Platform allows our partners to move forward quickly, sparing them the burden of technology ownership and upkeep, while empowering them with innovation, resources and flexible deployment alternatives for their online training and education operations.